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Thursday, March 8, 2012

Wayne 'would definitely love' to be a Dolphin with Manning

Peyton Manning is a free agent. Colts WR Reggie Wayne will almost certainly join his teammate of 11 seasons on the unemployment line Tuesday.

However Wayne hopes they remain joined at the hip much longer, especially if it means wearing teal and orange and hitting the beach after practice.

"He's a great worker, and I consider myself a great worker. And when you put great workers together, good things happen," Wayne said to WQAM in Miami when asked about a scenario where he and Manning sign with the Dolphins.

"So me being in his trail onto Miami? I would love it. I would definitely love it. I am totally available, my phone is working."

Like Manning, Wayne has worn the Colts horseshoe his entire career since being selected in the first round of the 2001 draft. With 862 receptions -- most on passes from Manning -- Wayne is about two seasons from hitting the 1,000-catch plateau.

But he said he'd have no problem riding shotgun to Dolphins No. 1 WR Brandon Marshall, especially if his four-time MVP buddy kept throwing to him.

"It'd be a great combination," said Wayne. "Then you throw in Peyton Manning ... it can definitely be dangerous. It can truly be dangerous if they put us all together.

"South Florida, it's already hot out here, baby. So you put us all together it'll be burning up. So it would definitely be a sight to see if that would happen."

Wayne, who played collegiately for the University of Miami Hurricanes, said finishing his career in the city would provide a "storybook ending" and he can already gladly visualize Manning in those final chapters.

"He always had a crib in South Florida. It's less moving that he has to do," Wayne said of a Manning-Miami marriage. "I'm sure that the Dolphins fans would love to have him here. I think it's a great fit for him.

"I'm no agent of his, I'm just a lonely ex-teammate. I really feel like whoever gets Peyton Manning would definitely have a gem. He's one of the best if not the best quarterback in the league ever, in history.

"And in a Dolphin uniform? I can see that happening. I really can. I really think he'd enjoy it. I really think that the Dolphin organization would benefit from it, and it would be a hell of a battle in the AFC East, with the rest of those teams, and especially with a (Patriots QB) Tom Brady in there. So I can definitely see that in the works."

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