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Monday, February 6, 2012

iPhone 5 May Be Waterproofed by Liquipel

Have you ever dropped one of your electronics in the water, never to see it function ever again? Was one of those electronics an iPhone? That may soon be a thing of the past when the iPhone 5 comes out, because it is rumored to come standard with Liquipel coating, which keeps your smartphone waterproof without a case. 
Such a seal will also help Apple, which is having to deal with insurance claims of too many water damaged phones. The coating is extremely thin, imperceptible, and is applied on both the inside and outside of the phone. Although videos demonstrating Liquipel show it being completely submerged, the company does not recommend you talk in the rain or in the swimming pool on purpose. Rather Liquipel is the “just in case” solution that may keep a lot of phones alive.
Right now a Liquipel iPhone 5 is just a rumor. According to Today’s iPhone , the same guy who predicted when the white versions of the iPhone 4 and iPhone 4S would come out is predicting the water proofing technology to come to the next iPhone. Right now you can waterproof your iPhone 4S for $59.00.
 If the waterproofing iPhone 5 rumor holds any weight, it’s not as if Apple is going to pay retail prices because Liquipel will sell its technology in droves. Furthermore, it is currently available after the phone is manufactured, which drives up the costs even further. A waterproof coating may seem like an easy thing to create, but it was created by a company that has spent five years researching and creating coatings.

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